Soak live lobster in ice water for 10 minutes. Chop and split the lobster into 2 (through its head and tail). Wash and clean the lobster, then set aside.
Heat vegetable oil in pan at 180°C and turn to low heat to maintain the temperature of the pan.
Lightly coat lobster halves in potato flour and deep-fry in the pan (prepared in Step 2) for 1 minute. Set aside.
Scoop out the hot oil from the pan and set aside.
Place butter in pan, and lightly fry garlic on low heat
till fragrant.
Add in cheese. Once it melts, add in water and sugar. Stir and mix well to form the sauce.
Add lobster halves in pan and toss to coat evenly in sauce.
Place lobster halves on a serving dish and drizzle
remaining sauce over it. Ready to serve.